TaskList - Description - Robin Siebler, Software Quality Assurance Engineer (Automation)

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TaskList - Description

My imitation of Task Warrior
A simple command-line based task maanager.
run 'tasks.py -h' for the complete help menu:
Usage: tasks.py command argument option

tasks.py priority [-a]
  tasks.py display <Task_ID>
  tasks.py search <Search_String>
  tasks.py modify <Task_ID> ([<Task>] | [-c] | [-p <Priority>] | [-d=<Due_Date> --time=<Time_Due>] | [-n <Note>] | [-t <Tags>])
  tasks.py [<Task>] [-a] ([-p <Priority>] [-d=<Due_Date> --time=<Time_Due>] [-n <Note>] [-t <Tags>]) | [-r <Task_ID>]

display <Task_ID>       Display the note for a Task. This allows you to add more info to a task
modify <Task_ID>        The Task to modify followed by the updated information
priority                Display the Tasks in priority order
search <Search-string>  Search all the tasks for a given work or phrase. If the phrase contains
spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotes.

   Task                    The task to add (Only 20 chars will be displayed)

   -h --help               Show this screen.
   -a                      Display absolute dates
   -c                      Mark a task as completed
   -d <Due_Date>           Date the task is due (Ex: M/D/YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM.DD.YY)
   -n <Note>               A lengthier description of the task
   -p <Priority>           Priority - L, M, H (Low, Medium or High)
   -r <Task_ID>            Remove a task
   -t <Tags>               Words you want to associate with this task
   --time <Time_Due>       Time the Task is due in the format h:mm AM/PM

Note: The Task, the Note and any Tags need to be in double quotes if they contain spaces.
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